In this performance and keynote, I will challenge the audience to immerse itself in the profound essence of life through the transformative lens of water – a vital force fundamental to both sustenance and creation. As an African creative who has lived and worked in Europe for two decades, I am going to verbalise and ritualise this topic to explore the power of the ritual gesture as a potent act of expression.

Water, as the lifeblood irrigating our bodies and nourishing the earth, is a powerful metaphor in my work. It reflects the resilience of women who carry and nurture life, while also symbolising the critical situation of a planet dried up by neglect and exploitation. Through a symbolic ritual, I make it clear that women and our drying planet are two entities that, deprived of their vital essence, struggle to perpetuate life.

In "WOMAN WATER LIFE," I use a diverse range of media, including poetry, music, visual art, spoken word, and performance, to touch every soul. This presentation, which has been shown for the first time during the “Deconfining project: "Women and Water – Perspectives from the African and European Cultural Scenes" is a deeply personal exploration of how we can collectively value and preserve our most precious resources.

Watch the Highlight Reel

I also aim to highlight the unique challenges faced by Black women, and to raise crucial questions about equity, environmental justice, and women's rights. My goal is to build a bridge between Africa and Europe on these critical issues and foster a shared commitment to change.

Please spread the word and welcome "WOMAN WATER LIFE." to you as a journey of art, culture, and advocacy that I know will resonate deeply with each of you.

Stills from the performance

I'm Dry

I'm Dry

In the realm of my emotions, Idance between white Queens and Ebony Kings, At the crossroads of prejudice I take my place. My mental sanctuary is my guardian, I am the embodiment of a Black Woman

— [Ami Weickaane]